Day 110: Another One Bites the Dust

Day 110 S-366-LYDoG

Another One Bites the Dust.jpgI took another test in Physics today. I think it went well and I’m so relieved that it’s is over that this will be my grateful for today.

Lame, I know …

I can only handle so much, though, and the last thing I want to do is turn this endeavor into something that I regret. After all, the whole point is to be filled with more gratitude not added frustration.

So, on that note I shall take my relieved self to pick up the “littles” from their various sporting practices and call it a night.


Day 88: When In Doubt, Pray It Out

Day 88 S-366-LYDoG:

Our Prayers Make A Difference

I am working furiously on preparing for my physics exam tomorrow so this will be brief. After such a beautiful day yesterday and all of the wonderful feelings of gratitude and love I was feeling, today seemed like such a let down. I woke feeling sluggish, probably from candy consumption, and the weather had turned from sunny blue skies to snow.

I thought I’d never find a reason for gratitude today. Even as the day progressed I became more and more frustrated and frantic. Finishing up the last bit of homework due before the test took much more time than I anticipated, then I opened my practice test and … ugh, nothing seemed familiar.

I had nothing left to my disposal but good, hard prayer. I’ll tell you what, it worked! After that point I wouldn’t say my day totally turned around but, it did enough that the next time I looked at the practice exam, things made much more sense.

I am so grateful that prayer works.


Day 42: Options

Day 42 S-366-LYDoG:

Today was a strange mixture of good, bad and downright ugly. I started off the day knowing full well that I had overdone it yesterday and that I’d be paying the price today. As promised, my body rebelled and thoroughly put me in my place. Knowing that I would be adding day 42 to the blog this evening, I felt discouraged. To be honest, not much about the day seemed good at all this morning. I went on several crying jags in between my various responsibilities. I was feeling lost and lonely, add that to extreme pain and fatigue and you can imagine the drama that was seeping out of my eyes every few moments.

Everything I did today seemed to go wrong … EVERYTHING!

Of course, that was the perspective I had from my exhausted point of view. However, this afternoon, I had a great experience. I had made an appointment with an academic advisor for the college that I would like to attend. Now, keep in mind that I have been feeling lost about what I’m meant to do with with this astrophysics degree I feel so inclined to work toward. In my heart of hearts I’ve always wanted to do some kind of research or observational astronomy but, let’s face it, I’m no spring chicken. So going into this meeting I was feeling a little less than enthusiastic about what she might say to me.

Gratitude makes sense.jpgOn the drive I just kept praying, “Father, please help me to find direction and purpose. Help me to know what I’m meant to be doing.” I walked into her office and, at first, I wasn’t quite sure where to begin. So I kind of jumped in at the middle and made a muddled mess of things. She was very patient and has a fantastic sense of humor so that by the end of the conversation we were great friends. She was telling me that, in short, because of my GPA they would snatch me up into their honors program. Then she assured me that, no matter my age, there was definitely a place for me in their graduate program

Let’s just say that by the time I left her office I was feeling a wonderful combination of elation and peace. I’m so thankful for the turnabout my day did today. I really was feeling pretty low and yet now I feel on top of the world. I think I finally know what I’m going to be when I grow up! I might even have the opportunity to go work for NASA! *squeal*

I may be 80 by the time I get there, but hey, I think I might actually get there. Just think, I’ll probably be the coolest grandma in town.



Day 41: Give Me Some Space!

Day 41 S-366-LYDoG:

Today was a long one but, oh, such a good one! A friend and I attended a lecture this evening featuring Astronaut, Commander Mark Kelly with a prerecorded video of his brother, Commander Scott Kelly, who is currently on the International Space Station. What a great way to end the day! He answered questions about space exploration past and present, the importance of the future of the space program, and his experiences living on the space station.


It was fascinating especially for a big astrophysics nerd like myself. Oh, if only I were younger I’d be looking forward to possibly going to Mars. He said that some of the younger children in the audience might very well be the first man or woman to set foot on the red planet.

Can you even imagine?

He talked about the studies that are being done on himself and Scott that will help us understand more about the effects that living in space over extended periods of time can have on the body. I was fascinated to learn of the already documented changes that they have seen with the increased radiation exposure to astronauts. Because of this radiation have already discovered that degeneration of the optic nerve occurs in 30% (I believe he said) of the men but none in any of the women who’ve lived in space.

Girl power!

Tonight I’m thankful for this unique experience and for the pioneering spirit of mankind. I’m thankful for those who’ve gone before and those who have yet to go exploring. Maybe, just maybe, in my own small way, I might one day contribute to the future of man’s time in space.


Day 11: “May the ‘Mass Times Acceleration’ Be With You”

Day 11 S-366-LYDoG:


My best friend the scientific calculator!

Good afternoon all!

Nope, that didn’t help, it’s still Monday. I thought if I cheerily greeted everyone my Monday “blahs” would go away.

Sadly, no.

What I am excited about is the fact that school starts again today. Ah, Spring semester; for the first few weeks it will be fun and exciting, then it will be boring, and then it will be downright stressful as finals approach.

So, today I thought I’d take advantage of the fact that I’m still excited for a new semester to start and tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity I have to attend college. Not everyone has this opportunity, especially approaching the age of… ahem 25… No? Well, fine; let’s just say that I some of the people I’m in school with now could call me mom.

Still, I know that it is a great blessing and a privilege to be able to attend college. The thing that keeps me going is my major. I’m working toward a degree in Physics with an emphasis on Astronomy. It is so much fun, and if that makes me a geeky nerd, then so be it because I do truly love it.


PS – Bonus points if you chuckled at the title; welcome to nerd club where we don’t use our fists, just our physics. Ha!